
The 10 Most Effective Thigh Workout Moves of All Time

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Thigh Exercises You Need to Know

Right up there with getting six-pack abs, the thighs are an area of the body that many people love to target in the gym. If it's a thigh "slimming" workout you're after though, there's a catch: You can't spot reduce. What you can do is develop more lean muscle in a targeted area. When combined with a healthy diet and overall fat-loss, these 10 thigh workout moves can help you build a strong lower body. (Related: A Love Letter to My Thighs)

These thigh exercises go beyond just your thighs, though; they'll strengthen your hamstrings, glutes, and calves and even hit your core too. Consider it your go-to butt and thigh workout when you're ready to break a sweat.

How it works: Do all 10 thigh workout exercises in succession with no rest in between. Then repeat the circuit one or two more times. Do this full butt and thigh workout three or four days a week. Or, pick three or four of your favorite thigh workout moves and add them into your existing routine for an extra dose of lower-body strengthening.

2 of 11Side Shuffle Switch

This fast-paced thigh exercise is easy to add to any leg workout at home. It gets your heart rate up (bonus cardio!) and recruits your inner-thigh muscles to help you quickly switch directions.

Do it:

  • Stand with your feet together, arms by your sides.
  • Shuffle swiftly to your right by taking three quick steps to the side (right, left, right), and then lift your left knee up, swinging your right arm forward.
  • Immediately reverse your shuffle (left, right, left) and land with your right knee up, left knee bent, swinging your right arm forward.
  • Repeat 20 times in a row as fast as you can, alternating sides.

3 of 11Plyometric Squat

Jumping plyometric exercises strengthen every muscle in your legs (including your inner thighs) and torch major calories all at once. (If you have bad knees, try these plyo moves instead.)

Do it:

  • Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart.
  • Squat down, bending your knees to 90 degrees.
  • Now jump up and land softly again in the squat position. Use the strength in your legs and butt to jump up explosively.
  • Remember to land as softly as you can with your knees bent; keep your weight back, over your heels.
  • Do 3 sets of 8 reps.

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